AiEditor integrates with Vue3
In Vue, we use div
a reference from a ref
property definition and then instantiate with new AiEditor
, as shown in the sample code:
<h1>AiEditor is an Open Source Rich Text Editor Designed for AI.</h1>
<div ref="divRef" style="height: 600px"/>
<script lang="ts">
import {AiEditor} from "aieditor";
import "aieditor/dist/style.css"
export default {
new AiEditor({
element: this.$refs.divRef as Element,
placeholder: "Click to Input Content...",
content: 'AiEditor is an Open Source Rich Text Editor Designed for AI. ',
Or use vue
the setup
<h1>AiEditor is an Open Source Rich Text Editor Designed for AI. </h1>
<div ref="divRef" style="height: 600px"/>
<script setup lang="ts">
import {AiEditor} from "aieditor";
import "aieditor/dist/style.css"
import {onMounted, onUnmounted, ref} from "vue";
const divRef = ref();
let aiEditor: AiEditor | null = null;
onMounted(() => {
aiEditor = new AiEditor({
element: divRef.value as Element,
placeholder: "Click to Input Content...",
content: 'AiEditor is an Open Source Rich Text Editor Designed for AI. ',
onUnmounted(() => {
aiEditor && aiEditor.destroy();
For more examples of Vue integration, please refer to:
Regarding SSR reference documents:
<div style="display: block;text-align: start">
<div ref="divRef" class="aiEditor" style="height: 850px;max-width: 1280px"/>
<script setup lang="ts">
// import {AiEditor} from "aieditor";
import "aieditor/dist/style.css"
import {onMounted, onUnmounted, ref} from "vue";
const divRef = ref();
let aiEditor: any = null;
onMounted(() => {
//for ssr
import('aieditor').then(({AiEditor}) => {
aiEditor = new AiEditor({
element: divRef.value as Element,
placeholder: "Click to Input Content...",
content: 'AiEditor is an Open Source Rich Text Editor Designed for AI. ',
onUnmounted(() => {
aiEditor && aiEditor.destroy();